Saturday, March 7, 2009


I'm confused.
I just went to MSN Games, which I am known to do occasionally. Recently, I'd been able to play said games on FireFox, though in the past they'd been all You must use IE IE IE or ELSE persnickity about what browser you used. I loaded the page and suddenly, it was yelling at me! "You have to use IE6 to play our games! Fear us!"
And I was confused.
But I loaded it anyway. AND IT WORKED!
Perhaps FireFox folks went, "nanny nanny booboo" and hacked the evil IE's way of locking out all other browsers? No matter how it went down, I'm glad. I like FF better (now that it agrees with Larry [more then in the past]).

Still sick. Stomach-ish bug. No vomiting at least *knocks on all wood available* but not much desire to eat today. My daily intake has been... Water. Chicken nuggets and fries. Water. Yeah.

Nice: Didn't puke in Wal*Mart. Didn't snap at anyone, including Luke (except when he kept pouncing on my stomach like a crazed lion this morning, but that was warranted). Carried on a pleasant convo with two different random ladies. (seriously, I've been off today, these were miracles)

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