Saturday, March 7, 2009

☆ nine prayers [TEXT]

Most of the rooms in Latimir already appear occupied, but perhaps I should take a look around. I believe it's time that I find my own place to stay. If Road and her family likes, I can resume bringing leftover food from the cafeteria. I wouldn't want any of you three to have your stomachs go grumble, grumble. Ni-paa~☆!

And if anyone knows where I can find some thread, needle, and fabric, please let me know! It's for Maka's Book Club. I'm going to make sock puppets! Yaaaaay~!

...mii. There's so many things I need to do. How did I become a busy kitty?

Lastly, is there an available Mister or Miss Cop on the Police Force that I can speak to? More specifically, someone that's in charge of the prison.

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